Para Kore

Our Strategy

Aronga Matua

Para Kore Marae Incorporated is a kaupapa Māori, not-for-profit organisation with a vision of Oranga Taiao, Oranga Marae, Oranga Whānau.

We educate and advocate from a Māori worldview for zero carbon, zero waste whānau, hapū, iwi and hapori Māori.

Oranga Taiao

Enhance Te Ao Māori Sustainability Education and Practice
Para Kore supports resilience within Māori communities through mātauranga Māori behaviour change programmes and services.

Where we are now 2023/24 Where do we want to be 2027/28 Our goals
Our programmes have been developed from the grassroots, over a number of years.
Our programmes have behaviour psychology tools and climate change integrated, mātanga reviews, and have been endorsed (user-reviewed).
Review, and update our programmes with behaviour psychology, climate change, mātanga and user feedback.
We have an accessible website and social media sites.
Our platforms are the primary, trusted source for te ao Māori sustainability education and practice, featuring resources, programme information and data. (e.g. website, google sites, social media)
Become the global leader in platforms for te ao Māori sustainability education and practice, providing accessible resources, programme information and data.
Participant recruitment, bookings, comms, engagement, data collection and delivery of programmes managed by frontline kaimahi.
Participant recruitment, bookings, comms, engagement, and data collection are managed centrally. Delivery of programmes are managed by *kaiārahi.

*kaiārahi referring to delivery partners, and Para Kore kaimahi
Develop centralised systems for recruitment, bookings, comms, engagement and data collection.

Oranga Marae

Strengthen and Influence Long-Term Partnerships
With whanaungatanga, we nurture collaboration, connectivity and collective action with our partners to increase positive impacts for Māori communities.

Where we are now 2023/24 Where do we want to be 2027/28 Our goals
Māori communities perceive Para Kore as the recycling and rubbish people.
There’s clarity about what we do and why within Para Kore and externally. Para Kore messages are clear, and promoted by whānau, hapū, iwi, Māori organisations and influencers.
Create joint marketing campaigns with whānau, hapū, iwi, Māori organisations and influencers. Review and update our branding guidelines alongside marketing and communication plan (key messages).
Most frontline deliver the kaupapa in isolation in their rohe to ‘rōpū’. Behaviour change and impact feels slow.
Para Kore is delivered through long term collaborative national and local partnerships and/or consortiums resulting in the Para Kore kaupapa being embedded in local rohe throughout Aotearoa.
Create effective partnerships regionally and nationally.
We are not focused on selling and charging for what we do.
Our consultancy income (taha pakihi) has increased exponentially from 2024 with selling and charging mahi now three quarters of our annual turnover.
Create a sustainable business model to embed organisational viability for the achievement of our aspiration of Oranga Taiao, Oranga Marae, Oranga Whānau.

Oranga Whānau

Improve Organisational Systems and Processes
We are always learning, reflecting, and providing feedback to improve how we work and how we deliver programmes and services.

Where we are now 2023/24 Where do we want to be 2027/28 Our goals
The work we do requires significant onboarding and ongoing learning and development.
Learning and development, resources, and peer support are easily accessible both internally and externally enabling high quality training and ongoing learning within Para Kore.
Develop a learning and development strategy, which includes, onboarding and offboarding, an online learning management system, and a knowledge management systems (case studies, learnings, successes, failures, etc) to capture new knowledge and info to build collective knowledge of Para Kore & make it easier for future kaimahi to refer to.
We use eight platforms currently and whilst we have a new and effective project management cycle, we do not have a digital development strategy or plan.
We have implemented an effective digital strategy that has streamlined processes, increased productivity, supported behaviour change goals, and designed excellent participant and partner experience and learning/training.
Streamline systems and processes to increase efficiency and effectiveness. Evaluate current platforms like Airtable and Stacker to determine their effectiveness and streamline or replace them as needed. A thorough analysis of each platform’s usage, benefits, and limitations to be performed leading us to identify redundancies and opportunities for consolidation or replacement.
We are establishing our PKMI emissions footprint.
We are on track with our plan to reduce emissions.
Implement our tiaki taiao strategy to achieve zero carbon and zero waste with Para Kore Marae Incorporated.